
HTML Forms itself is free, but for a small fee you get access to exclusive benefits like our collection of premium features and priority support over email.


$ 79 per year


$ 99 per year


$ 119 per year

Prices shown here are in US dollars and exclusive of tax (if applicable).

14-day money back guarantee

If you are not completely happy with your purchase, you can get a full refund. No questions asked.

Frequently asked questions

Is the price a yearly recurring fee?

Yes, but you can cancel your subscription directly from our account area, at any time.

Do you offer support if I need help?

Most definitely. In fact, we’re known for our top-notch support.

Do I get access to plugin updates?

Yes. After your payment, you will instantly receive a license key which can be used to configure the plugin for updates. Just like any other WordPress plugin.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes. You can always get a full refund within 14 days of your purchase. No questions asked.

What happens if I let my license expire?

Without a valid license, you will no longer have access to plugin updates, new add-ons or priority support.

Other pre-sale questions?

Feel free to contact us if you have other unanswered questions.

Portrait of Diego Canal

The best forms WP plugin I’ve come across in terms of performance and developer-friendliness. It is very light, it only enqueues its JS on a page if there is a form being used on it, it has custom form validation, conditional elements, action hooks, filter hooks, JavaScript events. It comes just with the right features. Thanks!

Diego Canal,